

My name is Manuel Uberti and I live in Italy.

When I’m not software developing, I spend most of my time with books and writing on this blog whenever I feel like it.

Since 2014 I’ve embraced veganism and have become more and more passionate about anti-speciesism. The world must become a better place for every living being, so I love working with people similarly worried about our future in order to foster concrete changes.

In 2024 I graduated in Philosophy at Ca’ Foscari university. It was a first step towards a better understanding of the world around me, something I wasn’t finding in science and technology.

This website

This website is built with Hugo and published on SourceHut Pages.

I’m using few lines of CSS to style it according to the non-binary flag colours proposed by Kye Rowan.

The beautiful artwork in the homepage was made by Disagioia.